Compare two zip files from Go lang
One time or the other you may have encountered a situation to identify the difference between given two zip files(distributions) and find out the newly added, deleted and modified files in between them. You may have wanted to compare two versions of your image backups, document backups or any other zip files and for me, I just wanted to compare the difference between a vanilla distribution provided by WSO2 and its updated distribution obtained from WUM. Of course you can easily perform the above by running the diff
command available in bash
, but this will not work if you haven’t installed bash
in your Windows
Following is the go
implementation to achieve the same and as you might already know that go
can be compiled into native binaries that can run without the need of a runtime environment like Java
, following code snippet will work on any OS :) . Please do follow the inline comments as they properly explain the process step by step.
package cmd
import (
// This struct used to store directory structure of the distribution.
type node struct {
name string
isDir bool
relativePath string
parent *node
childNodes map[string]*node
md5Hash string
// This function generates an update zip by comparing the diff between given two distributions.
func generateUpdate(updatedDistPath, previousDistPath string) {
// Check whether the given distributions exists
checkDistributionExists(updatedDistPath, "updated")
checkDistributionExists(previousDistPath, "previous")
// Check whether the given distributions are zip files
isZipFile("updated distribution", updatedDistPath)
logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Provided updated distribution is a zip file"))
isZipFile("previous distribution", previousDistPath)
logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Provided previous distribution is a zip file"))
// Identify modified, added and removed files by comparing the diff between two given distributions
// Get the distribution name
distributionName := getDistributionName(updatedDistPath)
// Read the updated distribution zip file
logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Reading the updated %s. Please wait...", distributionName))
// Get zipReaders of both distributions
updatedDistributionReader := getZipReader(updatedDistPath)
logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Zip reader used for reading updated %s created successfully", distributionName))
previousDistributionReader := getZipReader(previousDistPath)
logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Zip reader used for reading previous released %s created successfully", distributionName))
defer updatedDistributionReader.Close()
defer previousDistributionReader.Close()
// RootNode is what we use as the root of the updated distribution when populating the tree like structure
rootNodeOfUpdatedDistribution := createNewNode()
rootNodeOfUpdatedDistribution, err := readZip(updatedDistributionReader, rootNodeOfUpdatedDistribution)
logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Node tree for updated %s created successfully", distributionName))
logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Reading updated %s completed successfully", distributionName))
logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Reading previously released %s. Please wait...", distributionName))
// Maps for storing modified, changed, removed files and removed directories from the update
modifiedFiles := make(map[string]struct{})
removedFiles := make(map[string]struct{})
addedFiles := make(map[string]struct{})
removedDirectories := make(map[string]struct{})
// Iterate through each file to identify modified, removed files and removed directories from the update
logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Finding modified, removed files and removed directories between updated and "+
"previously released %s", distributionName))
for _, file := range previousDistributionReader.Reader.File {
// Open the file for calculating MD5
zippedFile, err := file.Open()
if err != nil {
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(zippedFile)
if err != nil {
// Don't use defer here as too many open files will cause a panic
// Calculate the md5 of the file
hash := md5.New()
md5Hash := hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
// Name of the file
fileName := file.Name
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("file.Name: %s and md5: %s", fileName, md5Hash))
if strings.HasSuffix(fileName, "/") {
fileName = strings.TrimSuffix(fileName, "/")
// Get the relative location of the file
relativePath := getRelativePath(file)
fileNameStrings := strings.Split(fileName, "/")
fileName = fileNameStrings[len(fileNameStrings)-1]
if relativePath != "" {
if file.FileInfo().IsDir() {
// Finding removed directories
findRemovedDirectories(rootNodeOfUpdatedDistribution, fileName, relativePath, removedDirectories)
} else {
// Finding modified files
findModifiedFiles(rootNodeOfUpdatedDistribution, fileName, md5Hash, relativePath, modifiedFiles)
// Finding removed files
findRemovedFiles(rootNodeOfUpdatedDistribution, fileName, relativePath, removedDirectories, removedFiles)
logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Finding modified, removed files and removed directories between updated and previuosly"+
" released %s completed successfully", distributionName))
// Identifying newly added files from update
// Reading previous distribution zip file
logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Reading the previous %s. Please wait...", distributionName))
// RootNode is what we use as the root of the previous distribution when populating tree like structure
rootNodeOfPreviousDistribution := createNewNode()
rootNodeOfPreviousDistribution, err = readZip(previousDistributionReader, rootNodeOfPreviousDistribution)
logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Node tree for previous released %s created successfully", distributionName))
logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Reading previous released %s completed successfully", distributionName))
logger.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Reading updated %s. Please wait...", distributionName))
// Iterating through updated pack to identify the newly added files
logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Finding newly added files between updated and previous released %s", distributionName))
for _, file := range updatedDistributionReader.Reader.File {
// MD5 of the file is not calculated as we are filtering only for added files
// Name of the file
fileName := file.Name
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("File Name: %s", fileName))
if strings.HasSuffix(fileName, "/") {
fileName = strings.TrimSuffix(fileName, "/")
// Get the relative location of the file
relativePath := getRelativePath(file)
fileNameStrings := strings.Split(fileName, "/")
fileName = fileNameStrings[len(fileNameStrings)-1]
if relativePath != "" && !file.FileInfo().IsDir() {
// Finding newly added files
findNewlyAddedFiles(rootNodeOfPreviousDistribution, fileName, relativePath, addedFiles)
//zipReader.Close() // if this is causing panic close it here
logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Finding newly added files between the given two %s distributions completed "+
"successfully", distributionName))
logger.Info("Modified Files : ", modifiedFiles)
logger.Debug("Number of modified files : ", len(modifiedFiles))
logger.Info("Removed Directories : ",removedDirectories)
logger.Debug("Number of Removed Directories : ", len(removedDirectories))
logger.Info("Removed Files : ", removedFiles)
logger.Debug("Number of removed files : ", len(removedFiles))
logger.Info("Added Files : ", addedFiles)
logger.Debug("Number of added files : ", len(addedFiles))
// This function checks whether the given distribution exists.
func checkDistributionExists(distributionPath, distributionState string) {
exists, err := isFileExists(distributionPath)
handleErrorAndExit(err, fmt.Sprintf("Error occurred while reading '%s' distribution at '%s' ",
distributionState, distributionPath))
if !exists {
handleErrorAndExit(errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("file does not exist at '%s'. '%s' distribution must "+
"be a zip file.", distributionPath, distributionState)))
logger.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("The %s distribution exists in %s location", distributionState, distributionPath))
// Check whether the given location contains a file
func isFileExists(location string) (bool, error) {
locationInfo, err := os.Stat(location)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false, nil
} else {
return false, err
if locationInfo.IsDir() {
return false, nil
} else {
return true, nil
// This function checks whether the given file is a zip file.
// archiveType type of the archive
// archiveFilePath path to the archive file
func isZipFile(archiveType, archiveFilePath string) {
if !strings.HasSuffix(archiveFilePath, ".zip") {
handleErrorAndExit(errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s must be a zip file. Entered file '%s' does "+
"not have .zip extension.", archiveType, archiveFilePath)))
// This function is used to handle errors (print proper error message and exit if an error exists)
func handleErrorAndExit(err error, customMessage ...interface{}) {
if err != nil {
// Call the printError method and exit
if len(customMessage) == 0 {
printError(fmt.Sprintf("%s", err.Error()))
} else {
printError(append(customMessage, err.Error())...)
// This function is used to print error messages
func printError(args ...interface{}) {
color.Set(color.FgRed, color.Bold)
fmt.Println(append(append([]interface{}{"\n[ERROR]"}, args...), "\n")...)
// This function returns a zip.ReadCloser for the given distribution.
func getZipReader(distributionPath string) *zip.ReadCloser {
zipReader, err := zip.OpenReader(distributionPath)
if err != nil {
return zipReader
// This creates and returns a new node which has initialized its childNodes map.
func createNewNode() *node {
return &node{
childNodes: make(map[string]*node),
// This function reads the zip file in the given location and returns the root node of the formed tree.
func readZip(zipReader *zip.ReadCloser, rootNode *node) (*node, error) {
// Iterate through each file in the zip file
for _, file := range zipReader.Reader.File {
zippedFile, err := file.Open()
if err != nil {
return rootNode, err
data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(zippedFile)
if err != nil {
// Close zippedFile after reading its data to avoid too many open files leading to a panic
// Calculate the md5 of the file
hash := md5.New()
md5Hash := hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
// Get the relative path of the file
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("file.Name: %s", file.Name))
relativePath := getRelativePath(file)
// Add the file to root node
addToRootNode(rootNode, strings.Split(relativePath, "/"), file.FileInfo().IsDir(), md5Hash)
return rootNode, nil
// This function will return the relative path of the given file.
// file file in which the relative path is to be obtained
func getRelativePath(file *zip.File) (relativePath string) {
if strings.Contains(file.Name, "/") {
relativePath = strings.SplitN(file.Name, "/", 2)[1]
} else {
relativePath = file.Name
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("relativePath: %s", relativePath))
// This function adds a new node to given root node.
func addToRootNode(root *node, path []string, isDir bool, md5Hash string) {
logger.Trace("Checking: %s : %s", path[0], path)
// If the current path element is the last element, add it as a new node.
if len(path) == 1 {
logger.Trace("End reached")
newNode := createNewNode() = path[0]
newNode.isDir = isDir
newNode.md5Hash = md5Hash
if len(root.relativePath) == 0 {
newNode.relativePath = path[0]
} else {
newNode.relativePath = root.relativePath + "/" + path[0]
newNode.parent = root
root.childNodes[path[0]] = newNode
} else {
// If there are more path elements than 1, that means we are currently processing a directory.
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("End not reached. checking: %v", path[0]))
node, contains := root.childNodes[path[0]]
// If the directory is already not in the tree, add it as a new node
if !contains {
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Creating new node: %v", path[0]))
newNode := createNewNode() = path[0]
newNode.isDir = true
if len(root.relativePath) == 0 {
newNode.relativePath = path[0]
} else {
newNode.relativePath = root.relativePath + "/" + path[0]
newNode.parent = root
root.childNodes[path[0]] = newNode
node = newNode
// Recursively call the function for the rest of the path elements
addToRootNode(node, path[1:], isDir, md5Hash)
// This function returns the distribution name of the given zip file.
func getDistributionName(distributionPath string) string {
paths := strings.Split(distributionPath, string(os.PathSeparator))
distributionName := strings.TrimSuffix(paths[len(paths)-1], ".zip")
return distributionName
// This function identifies modified files between given two distributions.
func findModifiedFiles(root *node, fileName string, md5Hash string, relativePath string,
modifiedFiles map[string]struct{}) {
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Checking %s file for modifications in %s relative path", fileName,
// Check whether the given file exists in the given relative path in any child node
found, node := pathExists(root, relativePath, false)
if found && node.md5Hash != md5Hash {
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("The file %s exists in the both distributions with mismatched md5, so the file is "+
"being modified", fileName))
modifiedFiles[node.relativePath] = struct{}{}
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Modified file %s added to the modifiedFiles map successfully", fileName))
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Checking %s file exists in %s relative path for modifications completed successfuly",
fileName, relativePath))
// This function identifies removed directory paths between given two distributions.
func findRemovedDirectories(root *node, fileName string, relativePath string, removedDirectoryPaths map[string]struct{}) {
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Checking the existance of %s directory in %s relative path", fileName, relativePath))
// Check whether the given directory exists in the given relative path in any child node
found, _ := pathExists(root, relativePath, true)
if !found {
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("The %s directory not found in the given %s relative path", fileName, relativePath))
parentDirExits := false
// Check whether its parent directory has already been added for removal
if len(removedDirectoryPaths) != 0 {
for parentDirectory, _ := range removedDirectoryPaths {
if strings.HasPrefix(relativePath, parentDirectory) {
parentDirExits = true
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("The parent directory of %s directory has already been added for "+
"removal", relativePath))
// Add the directory to removedDirectoryPaths map if its parent directory has not been listed for removal
if !parentDirExits {
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("The parent directory of %s directory has not been added for removal",
removedDirectoryPaths[relativePath] = struct{}{}
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Removed %s directory added to the removedDirectoryPaths map successfully",
} else {
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("The %s directory not found in the given %s relative path, its been removed "+
"from the update", fileName, relativePath))
removedDirectoryPaths[relativePath] = struct{}{}
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Removed %s directory added to the removedDirectoryPaths map successfully",
} else {
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("The %s directory found in the given relative path %s, it is not a removed "+
"directory", fileName, relativePath))
// This function identifies removed files between given two distributions in which their parent directories are not
// listed for removal.
func findRemovedFiles(root *node, fileName string, relativePath string, removedDirectoryPaths map[string]struct{}, removedFiles map[string]struct{}) {
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Checking %s file in %s relative path to identify it as a removed file",
fileName, relativePath))
// Check whether the given file exists in the given relative path in any child node
found, _ := pathExists(root, relativePath, false)
if !found {
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("The %s file not found in the given %s relative path", fileName, relativePath))
parentDirExits := false
// Check whether its parent directory has already been added for removal
if len(removedDirectoryPaths) != 0 {
for parentDirectory, _ := range removedDirectoryPaths {
if strings.HasPrefix(relativePath, parentDirectory) {
parentDirExits = true
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("The parent directory of %s file has already been added for removal",
// Add the file to removedFiles map if its parent directory has not been listed for removal
if !parentDirExits {
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("The parent directory of %s has not been added for removal", relativePath))
removedFiles[relativePath] = struct{}{}
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Removed %s file added to the removedFiles map successfully", relativePath))
} else {
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("The %s file found in the given relative path %s, it is not a removed file",
fileName, relativePath))
// This function identifies newly added files between given two distributions.
func findNewlyAddedFiles(root *node, fileName string, relativePath string, addedFiles map[string]struct{}) {
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Checking %s file to identify it as a newly added in %s relative path",
fileName, relativePath))
// Check whether the given file exists in the given relative path in any child node
found, _ := pathExists(root, relativePath, false)
if !found {
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("The %s file not found in the given relative path %s, so it is a newly added file",
fileName, relativePath))
addedFiles[relativePath] = struct{}{}
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Newly added %s file added to the addedFiles map successfully", relativePath))
} else {
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("The %s file found in the given relative path %s, it is not a newly added file",
fileName, relativePath))
// This function is a helper function which calls nodeExists() and checks whether a node exists in the given path and
// the type(file/dir) is correct.
func pathExists(rootNode *node, relativePath string, isDir bool) (bool, *node) {
return nodeExists(rootNode, strings.Split(relativePath, "/"), isDir)
// This function checks whether a node exists in the given path and the type(file/dir) is correct.
func nodeExists(rootNode *node, path []string, isDir bool) (bool, *node) {
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("All: %v", rootNode.childNodes))
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Checking: %s", path[0]))
childNode, found := rootNode.childNodes[path[0]]
// If the path element is found, that means it is in the tree
if found {
// If there are more path elements than 1, continue recursively. Otherwise check whether it has the
// provided type(file/dir) and return
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("%s found", path[0]))
if len(path) > 1 {
return nodeExists(childNode, path[1:], isDir)
} else {
return childNode.isDir == isDir, childNode
// If the path element is not found, return false and nil for node
logger.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("%s NOT found", path[0]))
return false, nil